There is a growing interest in using mushrooms and mushroom extracts in leather tanneries. This is leading to a rise in the use of mushroom leather as an ecological and animal-friendly replacement for leather made from animals and even plastic leather. But does this mean we have to give up style for our green conscience? Or can we satisfy both tastes at once? Here is what you need to know about mushroom leather.
What is Mushroom Leather?
Mushroom leather is a plant-based alternative to animal leather. It's made by using the mycelium of the fungi, which are the root-like filaments that grow underground and absorb nutrients. These filaments can be dried to make a light and flexible material that feels like leather. Mushroom leather can be made from any type of fungus—not just mushrooms. Mushroom leather has a unique appearance because it's made from living organisms instead of dead ones, like traditional leather. Mushroom leather tends to be more flexible than traditional leather, so it can be molded into different shapes without breaking apart or cracking when repeatedly bent over time, like traditional leathers.

How is it Made?
Mushroom leather is made by growing mushroom mycelia by using recycled materials like paper and plant waste. The mycelia is then used in a process that turns it into leather. The process starts with the growth of mushroom mycelia on a substrate of either cotton or jute fibre, depending on what kind of mushrooms you're trying to grow. The mycelia is grown for about three weeks to allow it to form a strong structure before it's dried out and pressed into sheets. The resulting sheets are then cut into strips, dyed according to your specifications, and sewn together by hand or machine to make the final product. It's a fairly labor-intensive process but one that can be done entirely in-house if you have the space and resources.
What Are the Benefits of Mushroom Leather?
Mushroom leather has several benefits that make it an ideal material for shoes, bags, and clothing; these advantages include the following:
Sustainable Alternative to Leather
Leather is made from animal hide that has been tanned and treated with dyes to make it more flexible and durable. The tanning process uses harsh chemicals that are harmful to the environment when they're released into water systems or burned as waste products during incineration. Mushroom leather is a sustainable alternative because it doesn't use any harmful chemicals during production, so there are no toxic emissions released into the environment when you buy this product.
Incredibly Durable
Mushroom leather has been tested for tensile strength and durability and found to be as strong as cowhide or horse hide. It also has antibacterial properties that make it resistant to odors and stains.
Water/fire Resistant
Mushroom leather doesn't absorb liquids like animal skins do when they get wet (which makes them heavier). This makes mushroom leather ideal for outdoor gear like backpacks or luggage bags that might get wet from rain or humidity (or even from sweating).
Natural Breathability
Mushrooms naturally release water vapor through their pores, which helps keep the wearer cool in hot weather. This characteristic also makes mushroom leather an excellent choice for shoes and clothing worn in warm climates.
Will Mushroom Leather Replace Real Leather in the Fashion Industry Soon?
Leather has been used for thousands of years in the fashion industry, and it's not going anywhere in the near future. However, mushroom leather is a viable alternative to many aspects of leather production, so it seems likely that it will eventually replace some small parts of real leather manufacturing. Mushroom leather is made from mushrooms and other plant materials rather than animal skin, which means it can be produced without killing animals or using animal products like tallow (animal fat). That makes it an ethical choice for consumers who want to avoid supporting industries that rely on cruelty toward animals.
Mushroom leather also has many environmental benefits over traditional methods of producing real leather. It's biodegradable and recyclable, meaning it doesn't pollute the environment as much as other types of leather. It also uses significantly less energy than traditional tanning methods. The only significant drawback to mushroom leather is its price: It's about twice as expensive as traditional forms of leather. This, however, will not slow down the use of mushroom leather, which will eventually take over.

What is the Environmental Impact of Using Mushrooms in Fashion?
The environmental impact of using mushrooms in fashion is as follows:
Mushrooms are a renewable resource, meaning that they can be farmed and harvested indefinitely. This means that the same amount of resources will be used over and over again, creating no net change in the environment. Mushrooms are biodegradable, meaning they will break down naturally back into the earth after they have been worn, creating no extra waste or pollution. The process of making mushroom leather uses very little water, making it an environmentally friendly choice for anyone looking to reduce their water footprint.